Thursday, October 24, 2013



You’ve probably seen the weekly posts and invites to Simple. What the heck is that? Another church service? Don’t you people get enough of those? I’ve heard it all at this point so here’s a little bit about what Simple is and why it even takes place.

It’s a time of a community.  We hang out, talk, laugh and cut up before it even gets started.  Getting to know people provides encouragement, accountability and a deeper understanding of what it means to be the body of Christ. It’s a time of worship.  Jared and the praise & worship team consistently bring us into the presence of God and it’s a time to just rest in Him and to give Him glory for what He’s done and is continuing to do in our lives.  It’s a time of soaking up the Word.  I’ve recently said that Albert brings truth in a fresh perspective and the goal here is to make Christ known.  Each week we are reminded that while Christ died for and delights in us, He wants more for us than what we have been settling for.  The intent behind these guys starting Simple was to be a form of encouragement and to bring truth to those in a stage of life that, in my opinion, often gets lost in the mix of many churches in today’s society.  It’s for people to understand and grasp truth so they can live out their faith beyond anything they ever expected.

I’ve said it before and will continue to do so, Thursday is my favorite day of the week because my affections for Christ are stirred as I am reminded of the fact that while God disciplines us, He pursues, restores, redeems and forgives us.  Thursdays are more than another day at the church.  They are a time of sincere community, grace, conviction and accountability.  It’s that “simple."

To sum it up....Join us tonight at Church On The Hill @ 7:15.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. - Romans 5:8

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