Monday, April 14, 2008

Whirlwind of emotions and changes.

That about sums up my life right now. I feel like such a girl. Yes, I know that's a good thing considering the fact that I am a girl but I'm sure you know what I mean. There is so much change going on right now. Change is a good thing and I'm thankful for it because God definitely uses it but it certainly seems overwhelming at times.
I don't understand how some people can't really feel emotion. It's heart breaking to think that some people in this world go through life never really caring for or deeply connecting with another human being. It really baffles me and just makes me want to cry every time I think about it. I know that God can use those people but I wonder how. What do they do about the "age of accountability?" Do they even have one? Is it possible for them to comprehend the love of Christ?
I am so thankful for where God has brought my family. He is still working and I'm so glad because there's no telling where we'd be without His hand in our lives. I look forward to seeing how He continues to work things out.
School...Yep, I'm going back to Dalton State in August-full time. I don't think I've ever been this excited about college. Hey, remind me of that in 6 months or so when I'm tired of it. :) I am basically starting over and am glad. I am trying not to look at things as if I'm behind anymore...that just bums me out and I'm not a fan of that feeling. I'm going to get my Associates Degree in Psychology. I'm not entirely certain of what I'll do with it but I'm seriously considering becoming a Child Life Specialist or a Child Psychologist. Either way, I'm really wanting to get in the mind of a child and see all the things that contribute to their behavior, thoughts and etc... I want to do what I can to help them.
Oh and we're going to re-do my room this summer. I'm looking forward to that because this room is OLD SCHOOL! Um...not that there is anything wrong with that. Ha. It's going to be a long process but it will be worth it. Plus, it looks like I'm going to be here through college so I might as well enjoy the scenery. Did I ever tell you that my family is awesome? Because they certainly are. My lovely sister helped me clean out my room on Saturday and that was a chore. That's actually what started the re-decorating discussion so I'm pumped.

Ok so that's enough rambling for this one. I'm probably about to post one or two more blogs just to get it all out. Thanks for reading and beware...If you think I'm a long winded talker, I'm sorry... it can be worse with typing. :)


Sandy said...

Jenny, I have seen how you can interact with children and how much they love you! You would make a great child psychologist!!! You never know... that might just be your calling and God has used all your experiences to give you that desire to help His "little lambs"!

Blessings on you and may God direct your path and make your way straight!

We love you girl!
Sandy and Tammy

Maddie said...

I love you sooo much. I know you have a special calling for children. They just love you. You bring out a sparkle in their eyes. The last two years have a purpose and maybe this is yours. I only wish I could be as "long winded" as you! :)