Moms...for the past 2 days I've gotten a little taste of what you experience at times. What's that? Lack of privacy. Thursday night Maddie and Ella spent the night at our house so yesterday morning they were playing in the house while Dad and Eric were working outside. So I was getting a shower before work and next thing I know Ella is in my bathroom asking me to fasten her belt. Thankfully it's not a clear glass door!! Rather surprised I opened the door slightly and said, "Ella I'm a little busy at the moment can I help you when I get out?" Her sweet reply was of course yes. When I was done I walked into the kitchen and asked what I needed to help them with. I was then told Pop went ahead and did it for them. My response? "Ask Pop first next time!"
This morning I was getting a shower. Next thing I know I hear footsteps in my bathroom. It's Ella...AGAIN. Her reason was to tell me, "We're here!" Seriously? It just makes me laugh now but from now on I think my room door will be locked. That way I don't have anymore surprise visits.
Moms, I'm sorry that you have to experience this sort of awkwardness often.
After a while, you just get used to it.
Wait until you' in the bathroom and they come in and declare, "it stinks in here." *** HELLO!! Don't come in here!!! Oh, and thanks for the newsflash!
Your dignity leaves the moment (literally) that they concepted.
Amen to dignity here!
Yes, I, too have heard, "Mommy is that you?" when they come in the bathroom holding their nose. Not exactly a self esteem builder. I used to go to the bathroom for peace, but somehow they always find me and even when the door is locked they jiggle the knob until you either unlock it or scream!
I agree with Shana's comment. I believe all dignity leaves once they are conceived! A shower on your own with no interruptions is unheard of! Going to the bathroom, jut to pee... much less to 'be busy' as Shana puts it... without an interruption is a totally FOREIGN concept!!
I think that once ours are grown and out of the house, I may just cry the first time I go 'potty' without having to listen to the days events filtered through the mouth and brain of a 7 year old girl.... or when I have a shower without being asked, 'Mom, can you open this bottle of water for me?'
Yes, sweet Jenny, I am glad you experienced our pain, uh, I mean, joy if only for a couple of days!!
Tag! You're it!
Read my blog to find out about it!
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