That's how I feel tonight, just blah. I'm second guessing my decision to send the letter all together. Should I have done that? Did that add more pressure to my biological mother to make a decision she didn't want to make? Was that fair to her? This is all assuming she signs for the letter.
I feel as though I was too selfish in sending the letter. It's nice knowing that I tried every way possible but that's making it only about me. I'm now worried that she might feel ashamed for the past or of what her son will think of her IF she tells him. Too little too late now. Searching for them might have been a mistake but I can't take it back. HOPEfully, things will go smoothly one way or another and hearts will be guarded no matter what.
((((HUGS))))). Sometimes, life is just hard. The thing to remember is that God is BIG! He's in the details and this will all work for your good. He loves you. Trust that He's big enough to handle it. AND by the way, I'm preaching to the choir. All of that is so much easier said than done. I always second guess myself. Last night we watched Lou Giglio's portion of the Chris Tomlin "Awesome God" tour. It reminded me that I'm just a little tiny speck on the end of a pin in comparison to how big HE is! He's holding you right there and it's gonna be just fine! I love you immensely!
Terri Richmond,
Thank you so much. I love you immensely as well and am thankful for you! You're right, He's got it. :)
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