I went back and forth about posting this before or after work and have a little time so here it goes...
Thank you all for your support and encouragement with my weight loss/getting healthy. I have appreciated you more than you know. It's been so helpful to me to keep going with it on days that I get frustrated. Special props goes out to Mom who has been awesome but we already knew that!!
It's official folks, I stepped on the scale this morning. 20 POUNDS DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 20.2 to be exact but who's counting? Oh wait, that'd be me! :)
*Jen-Dawg (Oh, that's my nickname from Ryan...it's fun.)
I'm not a petite, soft spoken, gentle woman. I'm a tall, blunt, vigorous lady who loves to make people laugh. I'm competitive, and can usually be located in a room by my loud laugh or animated motions. I have a twisted sense of humor and occasional foul mouth. This is basically for tying in life's quirks with God's sincere goodness, pursuit, forgiveness and ultimate joy.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Something to ponder...what do you reflect?
I want to share with you something from a bible study I'm doing. It really reminded me of something me tonight! It's one that I felt called to go through again. "Becoming a Woman of Purpose"
2 Corinthians 3:18
"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit"
"The on marvelous secret of a holy life lies not in imitating Jesus, but in letting the perfections of Jesus manifest themselves in my mortal flesh. Sanctification is "Christ in you." It is HIS wonderful life that is imparted by faith as a sovereign gift of God's grace." - Oswald Chambers
I'll be the first to admit that I do not always reflect the Lord's glory. But that is a growing desire of mine. He has blessed me with so much more than I ever could deserve and I don't show enough gratitude or praise for that. By wearing my emotions on my sleeve, it's evident to others where my heart is that day...and all too often it's not glorifying God. His glory reigns and is shown in everything around us. Whether it be from the smile and laugh of a child or in the gorgeous stars at night. So let's try and reflect that gorgeous glory of our creator!!
"To God be the glory great things he hath done." ----TRUE THAT YO!
I want to share with you something from a bible study I'm doing. It really reminded me of something me tonight! It's one that I felt called to go through again. "Becoming a Woman of Purpose"
2 Corinthians 3:18
"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit"
"The on marvelous secret of a holy life lies not in imitating Jesus, but in letting the perfections of Jesus manifest themselves in my mortal flesh. Sanctification is "Christ in you." It is HIS wonderful life that is imparted by faith as a sovereign gift of God's grace." - Oswald Chambers
I'll be the first to admit that I do not always reflect the Lord's glory. But that is a growing desire of mine. He has blessed me with so much more than I ever could deserve and I don't show enough gratitude or praise for that. By wearing my emotions on my sleeve, it's evident to others where my heart is that day...and all too often it's not glorifying God. His glory reigns and is shown in everything around us. Whether it be from the smile and laugh of a child or in the gorgeous stars at night. So let's try and reflect that gorgeous glory of our creator!!
"To God be the glory great things he hath done." ----TRUE THAT YO!
Monday, May 26, 2008
GirlsJust Wanna Have FUN!!
These two little girls bring so much joy to the lives of my family and many others. I've said it before and will many times more...I love them "a whole stinkin bunch!" There really is never a dull moment in our crazy family. Below are just a few pictures of the past few weeks..
Here's Ella the day she got her ears pierced! She's looking so grown up and is definitely a big ole mess!

Maddie and I chilled out at my house for a little while yesterday afternoon and took a few silly pictures...here's one that she requested be put on my blog. As many of you know, I've taught your kids to say "peace out yo" and a few other "gangsta" sayings. Maddie's peace out is a little backwards but it's so cute!

Maddie and I chilled out at my house for a little while yesterday afternoon and took a few silly pictures...here's one that she requested be put on my blog. As many of you know, I've taught your kids to say "peace out yo" and a few other "gangsta" sayings. Maddie's peace out is a little backwards but it's so cute!

Goofy girls!!! I'm not sure what inspired the little pink and little blue riding hood attire but it certainly suits them. How cute are they?
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Tis the season..
...to get married (or engaged). Fa la la la la-la la la (barf!) ONLY KIDDING! I'm in the stage of life now where it seems to be happening all around me. Well, it's been around often but I'm in the stage of life where it's more noticeable to me. HA! I'm going to be honest here and don't really expect or desire responses to this post...I'm just laying it out there. This whole blog thing is great for accountability. I'm not going to lie, it's been hard at times being the single one again. I've wanted to date some since ending things with Wes but God is showing me things. It's not the right time. I need to lay that desire at HIS feet and leave it for good. It's not about what I want. It's about serving Christ and doing work that glorifies Him. I believe that being married one day is in His plan for me but until then, I need to be focused on showing the love of Christ in a practical way.
Going back to school will also be a big time consumer! Going to classes is a must this time around...and I'm still looking forward to it. With the crazy schedule I have, I won't be able to help out with the youth anymore but God has given me a peace about that. I do hope to get plugged into some other type of ministry near by though. Please pray for God's guidance there as well.
OH, back to the wedding thing(A.D.D!!! A.D.D!!!) ...I'm one of the 2 maids of honor for Kimberly and am super excited about that. It will be fun to help plan things over the next 11 months and to keep her sane!! It's really great to see her with Tony. They truly love one another and it's such a blessing to be around the two of them. She's getting to marry her best friend and that's what she's always wanted and is what she deserves.
Going back to school will also be a big time consumer! Going to classes is a must this time around...and I'm still looking forward to it. With the crazy schedule I have, I won't be able to help out with the youth anymore but God has given me a peace about that. I do hope to get plugged into some other type of ministry near by though. Please pray for God's guidance there as well.
OH, back to the wedding thing(A.D.D!!! A.D.D!!!) ...I'm one of the 2 maids of honor for Kimberly and am super excited about that. It will be fun to help plan things over the next 11 months and to keep her sane!! It's really great to see her with Tony. They truly love one another and it's such a blessing to be around the two of them. She's getting to marry her best friend and that's what she's always wanted and is what she deserves.
I'm so excited...and I just can't hide it! It's official folks, 3 guys who are very dear to me are going through the upcoming Tres Dias men's weekend!!!!!! Drew, Brandon & Whit (Lacey's brother).Please be praying for these guys and their families as the weekend draws closer. Like always, the devil is going to try and interfere. These guys all have a heart for the Lord and desire to attend (at least at the moment they want to go...they might change their mind as it approaches though.) Also, please pray for a renewing in their relationship with the Father and a clear vision for them to see His plan and open ears and hearts to hear His voice. It brings sooo much joy to my heart to just think about what all God has in store for these guys before, during and after that weekend.
Monday, May 12, 2008
When it rains, it pours.
In my blog that is. I get so caught up in things and don't think to post until it's the time of day where I don't really have the time to post. Like many of you, I'm plum tuckered out by the time I am home to stay and am ready to crash. I'm trying to catch up on reading and posting so be patient...or don't but either way, this is who I am. :)
This just in on the weight lost update...I've officially lost 16.8 lbs!!!!! I've said this to a few people, "I have more than one curve now!" I must say, that has started my day off on a happy note fo real yo! (Gotta add the gangsta when I get the chance haha.) I have to give a special shout out to Mom who has been very instrumental in this. She's held me accountable and started out counting calories for me because I wouldn't have done it. Dad has been really supportive in this whole thing as well as Tammy, Eric and Kimberly and several other people. I really appreciate all the support!!
This just in on the weight lost update...I've officially lost 16.8 lbs!!!!! I've said this to a few people, "I have more than one curve now!" I must say, that has started my day off on a happy note fo real yo! (Gotta add the gangsta when I get the chance haha.) I have to give a special shout out to Mom who has been very instrumental in this. She's held me accountable and started out counting calories for me because I wouldn't have done it. Dad has been really supportive in this whole thing as well as Tammy, Eric and Kimberly and several other people. I really appreciate all the support!!
What NOT to wear...and sweethearts.
I dearly love my brother-in-law and am so glad my beautiful sister married him. We laugh a lot together and even more at one another. This is one of those times. For those of you who think my family is a bunch of rednecks...here's your proof!!!
He's been working hard on their pool lately and this was what I saw pulling in their driveway last week. In his defense, the weather was hot and humid so I guess this is what he does to stay cool. Oh and I was told that his shirt had been off earlier...eye candy? Sure thing!!
Let's just say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Many of you have heard or made comments about Maddie being a lot like Tammy and Ella being a lot like Eric. Here's more proof.
Yesterday she rolled up her pants just for the heck of it...I guess trying to act like her daddy. Oh and notice that she is sporting the one slipper on and one slipper off look. Oh dear!
As for the sweethearts...here are Maddie and Ella all smiles in the car yesterday afternoon. They are absolutely gorgeous and really are sweethearts. Girls I love you a whole stinkin' bunch!! You bring so much joy to my heart and laughter to my day. -Aunt Jen

Let's just say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Many of you have heard or made comments about Maddie being a lot like Tammy and Ella being a lot like Eric. Here's more proof.

As for the sweethearts...here are Maddie and Ella all smiles in the car yesterday afternoon. They are absolutely gorgeous and really are sweethearts. Girls I love you a whole stinkin' bunch!! You bring so much joy to my heart and laughter to my day. -Aunt Jen

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