I dearly love my brother-in-law and am so glad my beautiful sister married him. We laugh a lot together and even more at one another. This is one of those times. For those of you who think my family is a bunch of rednecks...here's your proof!!!

He's been working hard on their pool lately and this was what I saw pulling in their driveway last week. In his defense, the weather was hot and humid so I guess this is what he does to stay cool. Oh and I was told that his shirt had been off earlier...eye candy? Sure thing!!
Let's just say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Many of you have heard or made comments about Maddie being a lot like Tammy and Ella being a lot like Eric. Here's more proof.

Yesterday she rolled up her pants just for the heck of it...I guess trying to act like her daddy. Oh and notice that she is sporting the one slipper on and one slipper off look. Oh dear!
As for the sweethearts...here are Maddie and Ella all smiles in the car yesterday afternoon. They are absolutely gorgeous and really are sweethearts. Girls I love you a whole stinkin' bunch!! You bring so much joy to my heart and laughter to my day. -Aunt Jen
What can I say - like father, like daughter. They are pretty cute girls, if I do say so myself. :)
The girls are precious and absolutely gorgeous.
It must be a B-I-L. I call one of mine 80's Mark due his inability to bring his fashion outside of that decade :)
Maybe we should nominate he & ella for What Not to Wear.....on second thought, if we nominate anyone it should be me.......
too cute.
What a great post!! I see that Eric truly is a 'hired'! LOL!!! Those pants rolled up to become 'hired' shorts is GREAT!!
What can I say about your sweethearts, but that yes, they are??!! We love those sweeties of yours!! They are beautiful!!
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